November seems to have been the month of illness here in the Morris household. Since the end of October with Colbie being sick and getting an ear infection (or so we were told), we have all taken turns getting either a cold or stomach virus every week of the month of November. Colbie really scared us all over the Thanksgiving holiday by getting herself in the hospital due to very high and persistent fever that thankfully turned out to be viral. We have another follow up appointment for her tomorrow to see if she needs any more testing due to some elevated lab results, but we are hoping and praying that everything will be ok and that it won’t be anything to worry about. Our poor baby girl was pretty miserable for over a week and ended up losing a pound (which for a baby is pretty scary!), but we are happy to report that she is finally doing and feeling much better and getting back to her normal goofy spunky self!
With that said, we have decided to still go through with the birthday party that we had planned for Colbie on Saturday. Maybe she was just getting this all out of her system so that she can be healthy and happy and ready to celebrate her FIRST Birthday! I seriously cannot believe that it’s already been a year! Our baby Colbie will be ONE tomorrow!!! Where has the time gone?! What a joy she has been in our lives this past year. Colbie is such an easy-going, happy, affectionate and goofy little girl! Before she was born, I wondered how I could possibly love another child as much as I loved Grayson, and now I can’t possibly imagine our family without her in it. I love them both more than I could ever put into words! Colbie brings a smile to our faces every day and has allowed Grayson to become the most awesome BIG brother a sister could ever ask for. She is such a sweetheart and I feel so very lucky and grateful to this remarkable little girl who has given us more joy and happiness than we could ever imagine!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS COLBIE ELAINE! I love you with all my heart! XOXOX
On to a few pictures from Thanksgiving….. Aside from Colbie being sick, we did manage to have a great Thanksgiving feast at my parents’ house. We also had a few nice visits with some out-of-town company….my Uncle Jonny, Aunt Lizzie and my cousins Paige and John, as well as with my friend Michaela and her son Landon. Shopping on black Friday was non-existent for me this year….and it sounds like I didn’t miss out on too much……just horrible lines and pepper-spraying crazies! Sorry to my friends that did make it out and had a better experience! I will say; however, that I am feeling extremely behind this year with Christmas.
Grayson and Mommy Thanksgiving day.
DeeDee and Colbie and the Hostess with the Mostess!! Mom, I know that you may argue, but we all LOVE your hair!!
My brother did another deep fry turkey this year, which was DELICIOUS! Aunt Kimmie……the other (much better) photographer in the family!
These were taken at our house the last night before Lizzie, Paige and John headed back to WA…..Grayson had a blast with them and is really going to miss them!
Hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day! Post Birthday party pictures to follow…..
Marylyn if you're reading this, I love your hair!