Monday, December 12, 2011



Finally getting around to posting some pictures from Colbie’s first Birthday party from two weekends ago.  With the holidays just around the corner, I am having a tough time keeping up with everything and wanted to post these before we’re onto celebrating Christmas!  Aside from it being a little chilly that day, Colbie’s birthday party was a ton of fun and we appreciate our friends and family for coming out to help us celebrate her first year.  Thank you also to my parents for letting us host it at their house.  Most importantly, we are just thankful that Colbie is a healthier, happier little girl these days and that we were able to still throw her a special party despite her rough couple of weeks prior! 

My cupcake tower and the box tunnel for the kiddos.    


Cute as a cupcake!


The girls!


Colbie made an impressive dent in her cake!  That-a-girl!


Onto a few fun pics from tonight of the kids in their Christmas jammies!  They were having fun wrestling and rolling all over Chase’s bed!  Such goofballs!  


I can’t believe we have less than two weeks till Christmas!  We’ve had a lot of fun gearing up for the holidays this past week with the kids.  We’ve watched a few classic Christmas movies, took a trip down Candy Cane Lane and have had so much fun watching Grayson’s eyes light up each morning when he finds “Tall” (his Elf on the Shelf) in a new spot each morning “ after he returns from his trip to the North Pole each night!”  Grayson talks to Mr. Tall every night before he goes to bed and repeats his list for Santa with him (which this year includes a tool set and a trampoline!).   He’s been practicing his Christmas songs (Rudolph & You Better Watch Out) and asks me if he can leave cookies and milk out for Santa EVERY DAY for the past week!  Even though I tell him that we still have several days before Christmas, I have occasionally found him in the pantry digging into the Chips Ahoy “for Santa” of course!   It’s definitely going to be a memorable Christmas!

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