Monday, September 2, 2013



I can’t believe our big guy is already FIVE!  Where has the time gone?! I know every parent asked themselves that same question, but seriously!!  So I tried to get out of throwing a big party this year, but I just couldn’t resist.  He’s been nagging me for the last year or so about his next birthday party, the buddy’s that we wants to invite and how he wants a batman “hiyatta” (piñata)!  Well, we skipped the hiyatta, but we did throw a fun little super hero/ batman themed party for him at jumpoleenz.  Here is the invite and some pictures to share:



Before and after! Here we are having a meltdown after sister thought she was helping him blow his candles out!


I’m sure all the mom’s loved that I picked black frosting!



Favorite food: pizza

Favorite color: blue

Favorite super hero: Batman

Favorite show: Caillou and Curious George

Favorite past time: anything outdoors…. swimming, riding his scooter, playing ball, working on his tool bench in the garage when it’s 115 outside!

We are so proud of our little super hero.  Again, I can’t believe he is FIVE!  He is becoming such a kind, caring and determined little man.  And don’t get me wrong, he totally has his stinky moments too (like meltdown yesterday when Colbie blew out a few of his candles!)  There are still plenty of those!  But what kid doesn’t?!  Happy Birthday GG! We love you so so much!! 002


I have a cute story to share about Colbie and our recent trip to Phoenix.

Almost every night before we eat, Blaine usually leads us in a prayer.  For the past 2-3 months, Colbie has had a very specific request to “pray for the piggy.”  Nine times out of ten she interrupts Blaine or I & gets pretty upset if we don’t add, “and please watch over the piggy.”  Grayson does have this little stuffed animal pig, but the funny thing we hardly ever see Colbie play with it and it is by no means her favorite toy.  We really don’t know where this came from. Nevertheless, for the past two months, thanks to Colbie’s persistence, we have been praying for the piggy.

Blaine and I spent last Thursday and Friday in Phoenix for several more Doctor visits, hospital tours, and just getting more prepared for the upcoming months.  Our last stop on Friday was to meet the baby’s surgeon and get a tour of the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. We will be delivering at Good Sam and then transferred over to PCH within about a week of delivery for treatment, where we’ve been told we will be spending about a month or so….hopefully less.  When we get off the elevator for the tour of the floor that our little guy will be staying, our guide points out that it is the fifth floor, also known as “the piggy floor” and she points to a big statue of a pig right by the elevator.  It has something to do with pig valves often used in human heart valve replacements.  So needless to say, I couldn’t hold back my tears when I saw the giant “piggy” and immediately thought of Colbie and how, thanks to her, we have been praying for this little piggy for a good two months now. God definitely works in special ways and this was just one of those eye-opening and re-assuring moments for us. 

All things considered, I guess you could say we received good news at our follow up eco appointment in that while the valve still remains blocked, the cardiologist did not see any negative changes that often go along with this condition.  We are still hoping for the simplest of procedures, but understand now that the treatment plan is still dependent upon how everything looks following delivery.  We had another ultrasound the same day with the ob and learned that the baby is growing well in all other areas and is already bout 3 1/2 pounds, so that was good news.  We were also given a better idea of how and when delivery will take place so we can sort of plan for the next few months.  Looks like we will be moving to Phoenix a little sooner than expected, but that’s ok.  As overwhelming as things feel at times, we rest assured knowing that ultimately this isn’t in our hands and we just have to trust that everything will be ok…. and deep down I know it will be.  We are just going to keep positive and continue our daily prayers for this little piggy!

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