Sunday, August 25, 2013

Little “Ballenina!”

Colbie is officially a “ballenina” now, as she likes to say!  We started her in dance class this past Wednesday.  She has always been into tutus and playing dress up so this seemed like an appropriate past time for her.  She was pretty shy at the start of class, but thankfully brother came along and was all about helping her get warmed up and having fun!  With Grayson by her side, trying out the moves himself and reassuring her the entire time, she eventually decided  that she wanted to participate and seemed to have a great time!  By the end of the class it was hard to get them both out of there!


Not so sure about this leotard and these tight things!!


My mom got her this little Minnie dress shortly after our trip to Disneyland.  She also loves to shuffle around in her “princess shoes.”  And when she’s not playing princess, she’s usually playing cowboys or super heros with brother!


We’ve been getting quite a bit of rain here the past several days.  It’s been nice for a change and Grayson was having a ball in it the other night!


Not really sure what he’s doing…. just being a total goofball!


Blaine’s Grandmother, Aunts and cousin hosted a beautiful baby shower yesterday for Stacy (my sister-in-law), Kim (Blaine’s cousin’s wife) and myself.  We are all due within about a month of each other.  Kim in October, Stacy in December and myself in early November.  The food was delicious, the decorations were adorable and a fun time was had by all.  Thank you again Grandma, Aunt Karen, Aunt Kerrie and Mariah!!


The lovely hostesses!

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A busy week ahead… work, school and three more appointments in Phoenix Thursday and Friday, including a follow up with the cardiologist, meeting my new OB and our first consult with the baby’s surgeon.  We are keeping strong and praying and hoping for some positive news :)

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