I am realizing more and more that the different stages of parenting are a lot like childbirth (at least for me!) It’s funny how quickly you forget about all the pain you endured as well as the really difficult…wanting-to-pull-your-hair-out-parenting-moments…. and think…. “that wasn’t all that bad!” Then you go through it again with the second child and you say to yourself, “what the heck was I thinking!” I hate if I sound like I am complaining about Miss Colbie because she really is such a sweetheart; however, she is definitely a little pistol these days too. She is ALWAYS on the move, into EVERYTHING and definitely cannot sit still. While she is expanding her vocabulary, communicating with her is still difficult. She points a lot and I usually know what she is demanding, but when I don’t, she gets really frustrated and lets me know it! She has already started throwing little tantrums when she doesn’t get her way, which consists of arching her back and going limp noodle in your arms and then rolling around on the floor and screaming. Luckily, she gets over it relatively quickly, but this is one of those “stages in parenting” that I seem to have forgotten and thought “that wasn’t all that bad!” Ha-ha!
Funny Grayson story I have to share. The other day, my mom was over and Grayson was telling her the story of how he cut off the lizard’s tail (which he really did!), but that the lizard was going to be ok and didn’t end up going to heaven. He then turns to my mom with that serious Grayson look and says, “One day when I’m older, I’m going to go to heaven……and when I’m done there, I’m going to come back to my house.” Love it!
These were taken from our Leprechaun Run today. This was a 5k downtown that we thought would be a fun excuse to get everyone dressed up and celebrate St. Patty’s Day. My parents joined us, as well as one of my friends from work and her son. We then headed home for one of my favorite meals…..corned beef and cabbage…..and some green beer, of course!
I taught myself how to make tutus and made matching ones for my friend Monica, Colbie and I! Blaine and Monica got the best dressed award for male and female!
At only 15, Monica’s son, Bobby did amazing and won the race!
Crazy leprechauns!
A little before the end of the race, we got Grayson out and let him run to the finish. I wish I could have got a picture of it, because it was like letting a bird out of a cage….Grayson ran faster than I’ve ever seen him run and was grinning ear to ear! It was so cute!
After some delicious corned beef and cabbage, we enjoyed some green beer, green milk and green sugar cookies!
These are a few other pictures from the week. We had a nice visit from Granny Annie!
I think I forgot to mention that Colbie has started “school” at the same pre-school that Grayson goes to. Last week was her second week and she is doing awesome so far. I love my Grayson to death, but he STILL gives me grief every time I take him to school or anywhere for that matter! The teachers pretty much have to peel him off of me. Miss social on the other hand does cry a tiny bit, but it is NOTHING like what I went through (and still often go through!) with Mr. sensitive! I love you Grayson Boo! So far, teachers say that she has adjusted very quickly to the new schedule, napping on a cot and plays well with the other kids. While they are in separate classrooms (Colbie in Nursery Rhymes and Grayson in Bugs Life), it is really nice to be able to take them to the same place now. They only attend Mondays and Tuesdays and then Grammy still watches them on Fridays.
School day pics…
My little Gofer! Grayson met some kids at the park last week who were busy digging “gofer holes” and he couldn’t wait to get back to our house to dig himself his very own!
You guys are so festive! You'd think the McIntiers would celebrate St. Patty's day a little better :-) Molly and Grayson should dig together, she likes to "dig to China" so I'm sure she'd get on board for gopher holes.