Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ranger rides, Fair, Easter and more….


Lots of pictures to share!  A couple weekends ago, Blaine and Ryan took us all for ranger rides out in the desert by Ryan and Kim’s house.  Grayson especially enjoyed his desert adventure and Colbie somehow managed to pass out in her car seat during the loud, windy and dusty ride.


Colbie’s first trip to the fair last week.  Had a ball in the petting zoo!


Checking out some veal and spending all of Daddy’s money at the game booths!


While Colbie is definitely the less shy and cautious of the two, she did not inherit her brother’s dare devil trait.  From a very early age, Grayson has always LOVED rides and I just assumed Miss Colbie would too.  I was wrong!  Poor thing was screaming “All done, all done, all done” the whole way around on the pony ride.  Meanwhile, her brother somehow sneaks onto the “big kid” swings, still being several inches too short for the height requirement.  While I am laughing now, seeing how small he looks in the swing in this picture, I was pretty much freaking out the entire time he was on the ride, praying for it to be over!  The kid was smiling ear to ear the entire time!


Leaving some carrots out for the Easter bunny the evening before.  Apparently he really likes carrots because he actually came that same night after the kids went to bed, bringing them their very own fishing poles and lounge chairs!


Pretty in pink!


Grayson was so good about sharing the eggs with Colbie and letting her find a few on her own….although she seemed way more interested in eating the treats that were hiding inside than actually looking for eggs.


Enjoying brunch at the kiddie table in their new chairs!


Yesterday, we took a trip to Phoenix for a doctor’s appointment for Colbie.  We were able to meet up with my friend Jessica and meet her little guy, Ethan for the first time.  He is just a week younger than Colbie  We met at McCormick’s Railroad Park in Scottsdale.  We had a great time catching up and the kids had a blast at the park, where we were able to take a little train ride and Grayson (not Colbie!) road the carousal.  


One of Grayson’s own ideas while Mommy was cleaning….he decided to color-coordinate his toys with the baskets.  That’s my boy!!


1 comment:

  1. Molly wanted to go on the big swings too...she's even smaller than G though, so I'm glad we stuck with the little kid swings :-
