Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Polar Express!


Happy 2012 to everyone!  We started the New Year with a super fun and memorable trip to Williams, AZ to ride the Polar Express!  This was Grayson’s favorite new holiday movie this past Christmas, so it was a perfect and magical way for him to truly experience the movie!  We went with our friends the Goodwins and the Palmers, who also have small children, so it was really neat to get them together and see all their little faces light up throughout the magic of the train ride.  We stayed in Prescott and were invited to a birthday party for Ellie Saturday morning (the Palmer’s oldest who was turning six).  Saturday evening was the train ride.  For those of you who have read the book or seen the movie, I would definitely encourage you take a trip to Williams for the Polar Express because it is well worth it!  I have a feeling we may make it an annual tradition!

The first four pictures were taken at the Palmer’s home in Prescott at Ellie’s breakfast birthday party.


Mike was teaching Grayson how to plow the garden!


All Aboard!  And YES…we ALL wore our jammies….even Grammy & Papa! 


Eating our snicker doodles and drinking some hot chocolate!


Papa and Colbie exchanging exciting stares and a cute one of Gordon, Wendy & Carter!


Love this picture below of Ellie, Rebecca & Kade!  Grayson’s eyes were ginormous the entire trip, but he was especially excited when Santa stepped on our train and personally gave every child a gift.


While it was chilly, we unfortunately didn’t see too much snow, but we did find  a little patch for the kids to play in on our drive home….enough to get Grayson excited!


Just a cute picture taken before our trip.  Yes, we are those crazy parents that let our (very responsible!) three year old drive his baby sis around in his tractor!


The Rock n’ Roll marathon is finally here….this Sunday!  I think Michaela was right in that I should have squeezed one more long run in there because I am already feeling sluggish and out of shape after almost three weeks of tapering down!  Oh well, as my parents always say….”it is was it is!”  I am just eager and excited to do it an even more excited for that beer (or two) that I’m going to drink when I’m finished…..assuming I finish!!!  Wish me luck!  


  1. Looks like so much fun! We plan to take Kate Christmas 2012. How you convinced Blaine to go in his pj's I don't know, but let me know because Chris already told me no.

  2. I can't wait to go next year. Jonny also will probably not be wearing pjs...oh-well. You're right, Grayson is the most responsible 3 year old ever! He cracks me up. Good luck this weekend!
