Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cooler weather is finally here!


Love this time of year!  After a $350 APS bill last month and a grueling, miserable summer, it is so awesome to be able to open up the windows again, let the kids play outside and give our air conditioning a break! 

My friend Wendy took the above two pictures of the kids a few weeks back for Grayson’s 3 year and Colbie’s 9 month update pics.  Thanks again Wendy!  I’ve realized that having a fancy camera means nothing if you don’t know how to use it!  I really want to take a class one of these days (if I ever find the time!). 

We celebrated Blaine’s 32nd Birthday last week.  Also had a couple play dates with Molly and Maggie.  I believe this was Molly’s idea in the picture below, but I don’t think she was too thrilled with the outcome!!



Hard to keep track of what day it is this time of year.  Blaine is back to his crazy 6-7 day a week, 12 hour a day schedule!  As much as it stinks sometimes, I have to remind myself that at least we are not knee deep in pumpkin madness like we were this time last year!  That really just seems like a blur to me know!  And I don’t know if I ever mentioned this, but Blaine had also finally finished his degree last spring (Hurray!!!), so this is the first fall in 4 years of no more classes either!  So, as busy and hectic as things feel at times, I guess it could be a lot worse!


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. got off easy. M&G are such dorks, just like us :-)
