Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer is Here!

Once again, I have a lot to report since the last post! Summer is officially here and we have had a lot going on here to jump start it! Two weekends ago, we headed off to Laguna for our fourth annual Mud Run! We got to see Aunt Lizzie, as she was down visiting my parents for her big Birthday celebration. We also got to spend a little time at the beach, which is always a treat! This year my brother was an awesome sport and joined us for the Mud Run. We all had a grueling and amazing run and Papa scored another medal this year, coming in 2nd place in his age division! Go Team Goon!!



Colbie meets” Grandi Sandi” and Aunt Lizzie for the first time! Grayson has a ball with his new blow up toy (Sandi) playing “sneaky mouse!


Fabulous at Fifty!!


After returning from Laguna, our Burgess friends were in town for a few days, so we got to spend a couple nights with them catching up and letting the kids run around. We also took a day trip to Sea World last Thursday with Becca, Molly and the Burgess clan. This was Grayson’s first trip to Sea World, and what better way than to spend with his buddies, Landon & Molly. And of course, the “Bri-tri’s” had a ball catching up and getting to spend time together.

The Bri-tri’s with their kiddos. Molly was passed out by this point!


Grayson and Landon showing off their blue tongues after a lollipop treat!




Checking out the polar bears.


Just a few cute photos of Colbie I wanted to include.



Colbie also had her six month check up last week and is a little over 16 lbs. and 27 inches. She is a healthy, happy baby and starting to enjoy a variety of new foods. I really haven’t found one food that she doesn’t care for yet!

The boys!


We got Blaine an early Father’s Day present last weekend and purchased some bikes for us and a child carrier for Grayson (which will eventually be for Colbie once Grayson starts riding his own bike). Grayson loves it (he especially loves his super cool helmet!). Here’s a picture of the two below.004

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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