Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day!

001It’s hard to believe that this is actually my fourth Mother’s Day since I was able to celebrate Mother’s Day in 2008 as a “Mommy-to-be” when I was pregnant with Grayson! And thanks to Blaine and my two amazing munchkins, I had an awesome Mother’s Day today. Very low key, which is exactly what I wanted. We made the rounds yesterday to both Grandmas, both Great Grandmas and sister-in-law to wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day. That way, today we were able to stay home and hang out as a family. Colbie actually gave me the best night’s sleep last night (only waking once at 3:30 and going right back to sleep 20 minutes later). Both Grayson and Colbie didn’t wake up till 7 this morning! Whoo hoo! Blaine surprised me with some flowers and a Starbucks, and we were able to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet for a full hour before they woke up! After going for a run this morning, we spent most of the day out by the pool and also took a trip to the park to feed the ducks. We miraculously got both kids to nap at the SAME TIME today for a whopping 2 HOURS, which was a huge treat! And instead of getting into my usual “turbo” cleaning house mode, I completely relaxed on the couch and did NOTHING this time! So thank you Blaine, Grayson and Miss Colbie for the best Mother’s Day yet! You guys are my world and I am one lucky Mama!

So on to the pictures! Here are several pictures from the past week.

It’s been a windy last couple of months here in Yuma, so last Sunday we took advantage of this and flew a kite!


Found her toes!


Learning how to use a sippy cup! She’s sort of attacking it in this picture!


Finally set up Jonny Jumper for Colbie……. I mean for Grayson!! Such a goofball!


“Hey there brother…..check out those ears!”


Time to go swimming! These were from today.



Hope all the other Mommy’s out there had an awesome Mother’s Day! To my Mom, I love you so much and thank you for everything you do! It is so true that you have an entirely new and bigger appreciation for your own mom once you become one yourself. And I absolutely do! So this is for you Mom!

Mirror mirror on the wall, I am my mother after all!


  1. You and your Mom are so cute! Glad your day went so well, sounds like magic :-)

  2. Becca took the words out of my mouth, sounds like magic and all the stars alligned for you. I've heard both kids napping at the same time is more of an urban myth. Glad you enjoyed your day!! Your Mom is gorgeous in those pics (crazy costume and all!). Obviously great genes run in the fam. :-) Love love love the pic of Colbie in her green suit too. I can't wait to meet her!!!
