Thursday, April 28, 2011

4 Years and 2 Kids Later!


We had a lot to celebrate this past week! We kicked off the week by throwing my mom a surprise party Wednesday night to celebrate her completing all of her cancer treatments. Whoo Hoo! We are so proud of you mom and so happy that you can put this all behind you now! You are a real champ and amazed all of us with your strength and positive attitude!


We got her pretty good, despite our several slip ups! I think Becca’s was the best! We still don’t know whether I told her wrong or if she was just having a preggo/mommy moment, but Becca was convinced it was Tuesday, not Wednesday, and showed up at my mom’s house the night before, ready to party! My mom (of course) answered the door and despite the extreme awkwardness and eye signals between her and Kim, Becca was able to shimmy her way out of that one, making my mom believe they were just on a walk in the neighborhood (party dresses on!) and just wanted to stop by and say hi! We love you Becca! This is SO something I would do! So even after all that, we still completely surprised her and had a great night toasting to her success!


The sparkling cider was a huge hit for Grayson and Molly! They kept smacking their lips and couldn’t get enough of the yummy drink. Here they are making a toast!


The next day was Blaine’s & my 4th anniversary. It’s hard to believe it’s already been four years, and yet, with two kiddos, a psycho dog and a whole lot of life and craziness in between, it sure feels like it’s been a lot longer! My parents came to our house Friday evening so that Blaine and I could have a real date night. We did some wine tasting at the Wine Cellar, then met Wendy and Gordon for dinner at Julieanna’s. We then all went out for drinks (yes, way past our bed time!) at the Top of the Kress and enjoyed some live music and dancing….ok, Wendy and I danced while the boys talked farming! It was a very fun and well-needed night!


After hitting up another birthday party on Saturday, we started getting ready for our Easter the following day. We hosted breakfast here Sunday morning for my family and had a little egg hunt for Grayson. We then went to Buddy and Susan’s that afternoon for more eating and another egg hunt.

Dying some eggs the night before.







Grayson loves this hat in the picture above. My brother got it for him and he calls it his “coyote hat!” He got a kick out of putting his pirate hat on Colbie the other day!



Blaine’s Uncle Leonard was down from Phoenix for the last couple of days, so we had him over last night for a nice visit, where he got to meet Colbie for the first time.


I guess that’s it for now. Colbie continues to grow and amaze us everyday. She has been squealing a lot lately and I swear she’s going to be crawling soon! She already scoots herself around pretty well and rolls all over the place! I’ve been meaning to get the Jolly Jumper out, as she’s at an age where I think she’d really enjoy that. God, it’s just going by so fast already Sad smile

Headed to Jump Up today with Becca and Molly Mac! Hope everyone has a Happy Friday tomorrow and a great weekend!

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