Friday, November 6, 2015

Happy Birthday Jed Blaine!

I can’t believe this little guy turned TWO on the 2nd!  Where is the time going?!  Happy Birthday to our cutest littlest miracle.  Jed, you light up the room with your big blue eyes, adorable blond curls and sweet, mischievous smile.  You can be a feisty and temperamental booger one minute and a total goofball, charmer and sweetheart the next.  You are our precious little reminder of delicate and beautiful life is.  You may just be 24 months, but you have filled our hearts with the love and happiness of a lifetime and make our family complete.  We can’t wait to see where this life takes you and all the wonderful things that your future holds!  We love you with all our hearts Mr. Jed Blaine!


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