And that means finally cooler weather too! October was such a busy month… I swear I blinked and it was over. Lots of birthday parties, play dates, bike rides, trips to the pumpkin patch, Monster Trucks, a country concert, school carnival and of course, Halloween!
Colbie enjoying a pony ride at Quinn’s birthday party, followed by a night out for Monster Trucks!
I got to volunteer for Colbie’s school Pumkin Patch day. Such a cute group of kids!
First bike ride to the Peanut Patch for ice cream!
Blaine and I got to enjoy a kid free night out with great friends to watch Joe Nichols! It was 10 years ago at this same benefit concert that Blaine & I first met! The girls and their better halves!
Grammy (“GaGa”) and her little pooper scooper helper!
My other two landscapers! Jed and I also helped out at Colbie’s class fall party last week. For some crazy reason, they put us in charge of the cookie decorating station. After an hour of helping 20 four year olds decorate cookies, while trying to keep a two year old from spilling all the sprinkles and licking all the frosting, I was pooped! He looks so innocent here!
May the force be with you! This Star Wars family kicked off Halloween weekend with a trip to Yuma Lutheran’s Fall Festival Friday night followed by a night of trick-or-treating with Wendy’s family Saturday.
And don’t let me forget our newest addition to the family funny farm! I still cringe at the sight of it. It’s a baby king snake that basically showed up just 20 feet from our back door. Eeeeek! Grayson absolutely loves his new critter. The kids enjoying some time with Buddy.
Loving my baby’s curls and loving when I can capture these two acting like they like each other.
My clowns!
Our little ballerina at parent observation night. Colbie & Rowan.
Our baby turns TWO! Happy Birthday Jed!!! The day after Halloween, we through a small party for our little minion.
Jed had lots of fun with cousin Brody!
Celebrating with cupcakes again on Jed’s actual birthday!
She was so proud of her class VIP status! Fall weather means long pants again! Whoo Hoo!
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