Friday, August 21, 2015

First days of school!

We are officially off and running into our 2015-2016 school year!  Back to school, back to work, back to all the craziness!  Grayson hardly says goodbye to me and takes off running as soon as he see’s he friends and Colbie goes into her class like a big girl, no tears, no boo hoos!  Not at all like the torment her big bro put me through for the first 4 1/2 years of his life!  Grayson has brought home a “super star student award” two days already and Colbie earned a “good friend” sticker and has miraculously remained in “green” every day!  No yellow or red lights for this girl…. at least not at school anyway!  Go sister!  Grayson also told me yesterday (blushing the entire time) that a little girl has a crush on him, tried to hold his hand at school and that he would rather “die” than have to ever kiss a girl!  Hahaha!  I can’t wait to share this story with him when he’s 15!  Colbie on the other hand, seems pretty comfortable with the idea of having a boyfriend!  Watch out Dada!


I was pretty resistant to the idea of our school going to a uniform policy, but am really growing to like it.  Definitely simplifies our mornings.  Colbie also had her first piano lesson with Miss Sharon last week.  I was exhausted after just watching Miss Sharon with her!  She really took to it, but as Miss Sharon said, “Colbie just wants to teach the class herself!”  I think we need to work on our listening ears!


She also teaches ballet!


First week back to school ended with two birthday parties on Saturday for Kade & Maggie!  Our kids definitely got their fair share of pizza, cake and candy that day!


The watermelon “tornado” buddies!  Jed’s first swing at a piñata!


Our green light goofball!


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