I know I say this every year, but man, that went by too fast! Summer came and went and the kids officially start school again TOMORROW! We got back from CA yesterday afternoon, just in time for back-to-school night at YL. I am a mix of emotions, feeling both anxious and excited for the kids and our family as we embark on yet another school year. This will be Colbie’s first official pre-school year, where she will be attending every day and at the SAME school as big brother! I’m not sure I’m going to know what to do with myself, going from three mad monkeys to only one on my days off! Sometimes Jed alone feels like three so I probably shouldn’t get too excited!
After having spent over two weeks in beautiful 70-80 degrees weather to 110 and HOT was a bit of a shock for everybody! After about five minutes outside, they all had rosy cheeks and sweat dripping from their faces. Thank God school starts tomorrow because we’re already feeling a little stir crazy feeling stuck indoors.
I tried to take some nice pictures of the kids with my own fancy pants camera. Taking a quality picture is hard enough for me, but ten times more challenging with three crazies who refuse to cooperate at the same time. I am happy with how a few of them turned out.
This is more like it!
We took a trip to the OC zoo for the first time! No crowds, cheap entrance fees and tons of fun! My kinda park! Thanks Grammy & Papa for the suggestion!
Train ride, pony rides and our first adventure on a Surrey bike! Seeing some really cool animals up close was a total bonus!
After about a half and hour on the surrey, Jed crashed and burned!
I promise this was not my idea! I might have helped Jed into his bikini, but this was all them! As hilarious as Jed looked, I think I was most amazed that Grayson could still slide on a pair of 18 month trunks!
Our little goofy minion!
Although we only got to use it one day, we did get some paddle boarding in at baby beach! Blaine is super brave and takes the kids for long rides all through the harbor, where they spotted a few seals!
Even Jedders got to go for a little ride!
Chasey boy even got to join us this trip! My parents were kind enough to invite him, seeing that he is going blind and slowing down a bit these days. Poor guy! He didn’t mind the OC weather one bit! Here they are looking for the critter that Chase kept sniffing under the deck.
My parents joined us on Wednesday, so Blaine and I were actually able to go on a few “kid-free” evenings out! As much as we enjoyed some peace and quiet and yummy food, we realize we are getting so old an boring because we were home before 10 both nights.
On Thursday, Papa was gracious enough to spend the day with the ever-so-active Jed, while Grammy & I took Colbie shopping for a “girls day” and Blaine took Grayson to the pier for some boy time. The girls enjoyed the sales and chocolates at See’s and the boys had Blaine’s amazing luck again with the fishing! They spotted a rattlesnake on the way down and caught several interesting looking fish, including a sting ray! I’m starting to think it’s not just luck!
Doing some undercover spying this particular night! I think we blend right in, don’t you? Grammy even has special powers & can see right through her lens covers!
Had fun at the YMCA’s new water park and first trip to “elevator beach!”
Two great days at “big beach” (Salt Creek)! Colbie sportin’ her new “real bikini” that we got on girls day and Grayson dressing up like a seaweed Chewbacca. Grammy giving Jed snuggles.
Pedicures and headstands.
Wish they always loved each other this much!
Doing “see-saw” on Mommy’s knees.
In addition to giving beach pedicures and seaweed wraps, she also does haircuts and massages.
Loving their new beds!
We got to hang with Paige and John for a night before heading back home! Such a treat! Remember when these big kids were just teeny tiny like it was yesterday!
Last stretch in the car! Almost there guys!
Made it home just in time for school orientation! These kiddos are all jazzed & ready for a fun and exciting year ahead!