A big congrats to Papa for an awesome performance on his 2nd full marathon last Saturday! He shaved almost an entire hour off his first marathon, coming in at 4 hours and 23 minutes. I had the honor of getting to run by his side for the last seven miles of it, remembering all too clearly how painful it can be when you hit “the wall.” So proud of him for his amazing strength and perseverance, as he still managed to finish strong and with such an awesome time! I just hope that by the time I’m 65, I’ll be able to WALK a marathon, let alone run one in 4:23! Congratulations Dad!
His own personal fan club!
My mom had a little party for my Dad at their home following the marathon. Got to snag a picture of “Tough” with Buddy and Susan!
This was one of Grayson’s recent school projects. A five year old gets to wish for ANYTHING and this was his one and only request! This pretty much sums up where we’re at with little miss these days! It was the terrible two’s with Grayson and now the horrendous three’s with Colbie!
This is typically how we find little Miss Precious….either in a tutu and whatever else she decides is appropriate and fashionable or completely passed out because she’s also decided she’s too big for naps now.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get the news we were hoping for at Jed’s appointment last week :( His cardiologist explained that there is a moderate amount of stenosis with his pulmonary valve again. Although his oxygen sats have been incredible, we’ve learned that this is just a result of his little heart working on overdrive. As a result, they’ve scheduled him for another cath and ballooning procedure in early March. Basically, he will be having the same procedure done that he had at 5 days old, with the hopes that this time it will create an adequate enough opening in the valve so that his heart doesn’t have to work so hard. There was talk about doing an artificial valve or shunt should this not take, but we are very hopeful that we won’t have to go that route.
This was definitely not the news we were looking for. The good news is that he continues to grow, gain weight and develop well in all other areas. He’s gained another pound in two weeks! The chambers and valves of his heart have also grown, which is another positive sign. Buddy’s nickname for him is “Tough” and THAT, he is. He is our little Jedi fighter and we trust in God that just like before, he will go through this like a champ and surprise us all with his strength.
Best Bros!
My dad recently shared one of his favorite readings with me, which I found so touching and true in so many aspects of life. It reminded me that whether you’re running an actual marathon or running one of life’s marathons, never to loose sight of hope.
“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.” - Romans 5:3-4
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