Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring is here!

Warmer weather is finally here and the kids are already itching to go swimming! While it is still a bit cold, I love this warmer weather and am also looking forward to using the pool again. 

Grayson’s last soccer game was this past Saturday.  We are so happy he stuck it out because it ended up being a fun time for all and he even got his first official trophy!


Colbie was always a great sport and also a great little cheerleader!


The birthday parties have carried over in full force from February.  No joking, we have attended at least 15 birthdays since the start of the year!  They are always fun for the kids so I shouldn’t complain, but I so look forward to a weekend where we have absolutely NOTHING going on!

Dee Dee just celebrated her 89th Birthday and the best present of all was a visit from Aunt Annie!  My mom had a beautiful little garden party for her and all her friends a few weeks back. 


Snuggles with Great Aunt Annie at DeeDee’s house!


Birthday girl Molly and Grayson a couple of weekends ago. 


From soccer to t-ball…we are all geared up and ready for the next sport and so is G!  T-ball practice started last week and his first game is set for the end of the month sometime.  While soccer turned out to be a fun experience for Grayson, he is totally excited about baseball and had a great first practice.  Evenings after dinner now are spent playing catch and practicing batting. 


Colbie of course wanted to be included in all this excitement and said “I wanna be a football player too!” so we put Grayson’s old soccer cleats on and found some make-do baseball pants for her!


Had a book fair/fundraiser dinner at Grayson’s new school last weekend.  We are super excited about Yuma Lutheran and even more thrilled that his buddy, Molly will also be attending!  With his birthday being right on the cut off, we’ve decided to enroll him in the pre-k program and will wait one more year till kindergarten. 

Enjoying some snow cones in the shade!


My little leprechauns on Saint Patty's Day!  We had Great Grandma over for dinner last Sunday as a belated b-day dinner for her.  Made my favorite corned beef and cabbage recipe!


I made green eggs for breakfast too!  The boys were funny about eating their green eggs, but Colbie didn’t seem to mind one bit!


Catching lizards is once again an evening event here!  Grayson has gotten pretty good at it!  Only one funeral and a couple of tails lost!


Colbie definitely has my lazy eye here!


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