Sunday, July 15, 2012

Miss Chatterpants!

Colbie is talking up a storm these days!  It is super cute and lots of fun, but lets be honest…. it is also at times, completely exhausting!  Definitely makes for a long car ride home from work when BOTH of them are screaming at me about who knows what from the back seat AT THE SAME TIME!  Just wanted to share this cute video of Blaine reading to her last night.  Oh, and since this is our baby book, I also have to report that Miss Colbie went pee pee in the potty today for the first time!  I don’t think that we are to the potty-training stage yet, but we did put out Grayson’s old potty a little while back to see if she had any interest and tonight before her bath she did!  Yea Colbie!

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