Love my "A-List" Bow!!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A few more pics!
Annette just reminded me....I wanted to share some of Colbie's newborn pics! Especially since Annette made Colbie this ADORABLE bow to go with her Santa bloomers! Thanks again Annette!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
What a Year!
Hard to believe 2011 is only days away! Looking at pictures from this Christmas just make it seem unreal how much has changed in only a year and how quickly this year has gone by. This time last year I wasn't even pregnant, and now we have a little boy and a baby girl and life is completely hectic and exausting right now, but we wouldn't want it any other way. Colbie really is an awesome baby...definitely more kick back and easy going than her big brother may have been :-) Sorry Grayson! She really doesn't cry much....just fusses a little and makes funny noises when she wants to eat, be held or be changed. Unfortunately, she has started to confuse her nights with her days, so I don't think I've managed to get more than 3 hours of sleep the past couple weeks. As wiped out as I feel at times, I just remind myself that this is only temporary (I hope!) and this too shall pass....only for a new challenge to arrise, right?! Grayson has been doing great....becoming even more attached to Daddy these past few weeks, as Blaine has really been awesome in helping out with Grayson's night time routine so that I can take care of Colbie and pick up around the house. While Grayson is still super sweet and loving with his sister, he is definitely a little spit fire these days and gets in at least 2-3 major temper tantrums a day....not sure if it's just the age or the big transition, or probably a little of both. I have to say those are almost more exausting to deal with than the lack of sleep.
Quick update on my mom. We received news a couple weeks ago that she does in fact need chemo. She will be starting treatments at Scripps next week. While we were all bummed with the news, we were grateful that at least we all got to spend Christmas together and realize that they are going with these aggressive treatments so that she will have the best possible outcome in the end. While I definitely don't want to see her go through this, my mom is a very positive and resiliant woman and I know she will surprise us all with her strength and optimism. We love you Grammy and we are with you every step of the way! xoxoxoxoxoxo
So we managed to get a Santa picture this year without crying! Having Mommy & Daddy both there may have helped a little! When Santa asked Grayson what he wanted for Christmas, he said he wanted a mouse?!
Blaine is not a fan of the bows, but I really can't help myself! I have to endulge in all this fun girlie stuff while I can, because before I know it, Colbie will most likely be ripping it off or telling me "NO!"
Happened to catch a goofy smile!
Christmas dinner at Grammy & Papas
Our handsome little boy!
Christmas morning at our house.
Christmas was really fun this year. Being a little older, Grayson was definitely more into
everything. We left cookies and milk out for Santa the night before....of course, he then wanted his own plate of cookies and milk too! He would get so excited to open every gift and scored pretty well this year. Among some of his favorites were a BBQ from Grammy & Papa and a guitar from Uncle Ryan and Aunt Kimmie. We all got a kick out of him giving us all "salsa" with the pretend ketchup bottle when he was cooking for us.....that's a true Yuma boy!
Just some other fun pics.
Feeding the ducks at the park....or should I say, eating all the duck food instead!!
Yes, Grayson put these reigndeer ears on poor Chasers! He also likes to put baskets, blankets and whatever else he can find on his head! It's no wonder Chase has gone completely bonkers and ransacks the house when we leave! And yes, you may think we are crazy, but we did take Chase to the vet and have now started him on doggy Prozac. I can't say it's helping any yet, because he just tore up one of the screens we just had recently repaired. What are we to do?!
Love my "baby sister!" Have to share one cute story....a couple weeks ago, we had my parents over for dinner and my mom was asking Grayson how he liked being a big brother and did he like his new baby sister. He says "yea," in such a sweet voice and then pauses, giving my mom the scrunched eyebrow look and says "no take her home!" Just thought that was so sweet, because I would think most two year olds would be asking "WHEN is she going home?!"
Quick update on my mom. We received news a couple weeks ago that she does in fact need chemo. She will be starting treatments at Scripps next week. While we were all bummed with the news, we were grateful that at least we all got to spend Christmas together and realize that they are going with these aggressive treatments so that she will have the best possible outcome in the end. While I definitely don't want to see her go through this, my mom is a very positive and resiliant woman and I know she will surprise us all with her strength and optimism. We love you Grammy and we are with you every step of the way! xoxoxoxoxoxo
So we managed to get a Santa picture this year without crying! Having Mommy & Daddy both there may have helped a little! When Santa asked Grayson what he wanted for Christmas, he said he wanted a mouse?!
This was last year's! Classic!!
This was taken at Blaine's dad's house on the 11th. They hosted a grad party for Blaine & his sister Jessica, who both completed their bachelors degrees this semester! Whoo hoo! Grandma Susan & Buddy were trying to get a Christmas picture with all the was a bit of a challenge to say the least! Suckers saved the day when both 2 year olds were screaming!
This was taken at Blaine's dad's house on the 11th. They hosted a grad party for Blaine & his sister Jessica, who both completed their bachelors degrees this semester! Whoo hoo! Grandma Susan & Buddy were trying to get a Christmas picture with all the was a bit of a challenge to say the least! Suckers saved the day when both 2 year olds were screaming!
Blaine is not a fan of the bows, but I really can't help myself! I have to endulge in all this fun girlie stuff while I can, because before I know it, Colbie will most likely be ripping it off or telling me "NO!"
Happened to catch a goofy smile!
Christmas dinner at Grammy & Papas
Our handsome little boy!
Christmas morning at our house.
Christmas was really fun this year. Being a little older, Grayson was definitely more into
everything. We left cookies and milk out for Santa the night before....of course, he then wanted his own plate of cookies and milk too! He would get so excited to open every gift and scored pretty well this year. Among some of his favorites were a BBQ from Grammy & Papa and a guitar from Uncle Ryan and Aunt Kimmie. We all got a kick out of him giving us all "salsa" with the pretend ketchup bottle when he was cooking for us.....that's a true Yuma boy!
Just some other fun pics.
Feeding the ducks at the park....or should I say, eating all the duck food instead!!
Yes, Grayson put these reigndeer ears on poor Chasers! He also likes to put baskets, blankets and whatever else he can find on his head! It's no wonder Chase has gone completely bonkers and ransacks the house when we leave! And yes, you may think we are crazy, but we did take Chase to the vet and have now started him on doggy Prozac. I can't say it's helping any yet, because he just tore up one of the screens we just had recently repaired. What are we to do?!
Love my "baby sister!" Have to share one cute story....a couple weeks ago, we had my parents over for dinner and my mom was asking Grayson how he liked being a big brother and did he like his new baby sister. He says "yea," in such a sweet voice and then pauses, giving my mom the scrunched eyebrow look and says "no take her home!" Just thought that was so sweet, because I would think most two year olds would be asking "WHEN is she going home?!"
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
It's a GIRL!!!
3 days old here
Less than an hour from delivery, right after checking into room.
"ok, cut it out with the flash mom!"
On Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 2:59 pm we joyfully welcomed our baby girl Colbie Elaine Morris to the family! She weighed in at 6 lb 5 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. She has a ton of brown hair that sticks straight up, has really long, narrow fingers and toes, and well, she's mine so I can brag, but she is just beautiful!! I really couldn't be any happier. I am so excited to have a little girl!!! My labor was crazy, blurry quick. I went to the hospital to get "checked" around 10:30 with very bearable cramping, thinking they were probably going to send me home and tell me it was early labor and may be days before I was ready. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I was already 4 cm along. They had me walk for an hour to see if it progresses and to make a long story short, they barely got me out of triage and checked into a room before I was literally crying for an epidural and Blaine showed up from work. Immediately after getting the epidural (which never exactly took), the nurses were even more shocked to find that I was apparently ready to start pushing. About 20 minutes and several tears later, Colbie arrived, happy, healthy and thriving! And even more special was the fact that my mom was in town and was able to experience the whole process with us. She took me to the hospital that morning and was actually there in the room to witness the birth of her first granddaughter! We truly feel blessed with how everything worked out. And on a side note, my mom is doing awesome. She is back at Scripps now and started her first day of radiation today. Still praying for good results back from another lab test that will determine the need for any chemo, and if that is all clear, we are expecting her back here for good just before Christmas!!
Grayson is adjusting really well to having a little sister, although my heart breaks for him everyday because I know it has to be hard for him. He is definitely acting out more these days, but it is totally to be expected. He was used to being the center of our universe and now he is having to learn how to share that time with someone else. He really is so good with her though. He is so gentle, loves to give her kisses throughout the day and brings me her hats and burp cloths throughout the day. Of course, I wouldn't have him babysitting anytime soon, but all in all, for a two year old, I think he is doing awesome! And I am adjusting pretty well too. Blaine had to be back at work on Monday, so this is my 3rd day in a row on my own. Although I am a bit worn out still, I feel pretty good and think we'll manage to discover a new groove here soon. Anyhow, enough rambling, here's some pictures!
Less than an hour from delivery, right after checking into room.
Grayson meets his baby sister for the first time that night.
These were taken last night. Now that's the look of a proud big brother!
"ok, cut it out with the flash mom!"
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Bubble Bath ABC's!
So I managed to get his ABC's, a version of Twinkle Twinkle & counting last night during his bath! I also found a cute video from October of Molly and Grayson playing (& kissing!) that I had to share.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day! We definitely ate our fair share and were busy making all the rounds to visit both of our families yesterday. I was hoping that if I stuffed myself enough (which I totally did!), that maybe it would get my contractions going, but I learned the hard way that it only made for a more uncomfortable, bloated and sleepless night! And somehow, after finishing off a bottle of Tums last night, I still have the urge to do it all over again, as we are going over to my parents tonight for leftovers!
I was just catching up on the Burgess Blog and completely feel the same way about 2010....where did it go?! December is next week, Christmas is just around the corner, Grayson has grown into this little talking person overnight, and we are expecting another baby any day now! As excited and eager as I am to meet this little person, it has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for our family this past month. As many of you already know, my mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. We are all very confident and positive that my mom will beat this with flying colors; however, it has definitely been a shock and a wake up call for all of us that you just never know what life has in store for you. So far things are moving along very well and my mom has already had a successful surgery and is very happy with the doctors and nurses at Scripps. Unfortunately though, she is still waiting on results from other tests to determine exactly what other treatment(s) are needed and when she can begin. While my mom is feeling well and staying very positive, I know the waiting game is killing her, as it is for all of us. We all just want to know exactly what is in store for her and when she can put this all behind her and be home for good. We are hoping to get more definitive answers the first part of next week and are looking forward to hearing more good news!
Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers this past month. We realize in times like these how awesome, supportive and heart-warming our friends and family can be. And mom, I just want you to know that you are the best mom and friend that a daughter could ask for and I love you more than anything and can't wait for you to be able to put this all behind you and meet your new grandson or granddaughter ; - ) And who knows, I still have two days before you leave again so I will attempt to stuff my face again tonight or eat some pineapple or something so you can meet him or her before you go........I am open to suggestions people!
Quickly, I really need to start video-taping more because Grayson now can completely say his ABC's and can also sing Twinkle Twinkle. It is the cutest thing and I am really going to try to capture it and upload it on here. When he gets to the "now I know my ABC's part, " he says " no no no my ABC's!" He also is much like his Mama and does not like when I chime in to try to help and will say, "no mommy sing,....I do it."
Below are a few pictures that Wendy took of us a couple weeks ago. She really has a knack for photography! Thanks again Wendy ;-)
Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and is enjoying a few days off!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Morris Family Gone Pumpkins!
I don't know how else to say it....we've all gone a little pumpkin crazy in the head this past month, including Chase who has decided to eat through two screen doors & a window screen (to name just a few objects) and goes completely bonkers everytime we leave the house. I really think he has some sort of anxiety/separation disorder.....either that or he's just trying to tell us, "first I get pushed aside with Grayson, now you're gonna bring home another one of those annoying fur-tugging monsters, and now PUMPKINS?! Hello, I was "numero uno!" I think I still live here!" Poor Chasers!
Chilln' with Grammy!
I feel like a pumpkin myself these days!!
Yes, Blaine thought it would be a super fun idea to grow pumpkins this year! Don't get me wrong, he has great ideas and I really don't want to knock it, because ANY other year, and yes, it may have been a little more "fun!" But with a baby arriving in less than 2 months, Blaine taking 4 classes & trying to finish out his last semester of school, plus it being his busy season where he works 6-7 days a week, leaves the house at 5 and doesn't get home before 7 most nights, then throw in the everyday routine of my job 3 days a week (which is actually a break from the other 4 where I'm scrambling to keep up with a two year old, keep us all fed and the house from completley falling apart!), I wouldn't say this was the best year to have a pumpkin patch! On top of that, it ALWAYS costs more than you think, so at this point, if we can even come close to breaking even with our costs of growing and putting the whole thing together, we will be totally overjoyed! You definitely live and learn.....knowing now how much time, effort and stress this has been, selling the pumpkins by the bins wholesale and taking the $1500 loss sounds like such a better option. But my inner-Martha Stewart, stubborn, type A personality thought it would be a better idea to spend a lot more money, time and energy making crafts with every free moment I had to try to make that money back! BAD IDEA!
Oh, Happy Days! Love Grayson's face in this photo! Of course it had to be one of the hottest weekends opening weekend!
I hope I don't sound like a total grump, as all things aside, we have had a little fun with it and it will definitely be a great story and picture book one day. And we have been overwhelmed with the awesome support from our family and friends who made special trips to come out and see us last weekend and are helping in other ways! Seriously, if it wasn't for them, I'm not sure we'd have any sales! Even Blaine's niece and nephew took a wagon of pumpkins around their neighborhood last Sunday night and sold more pumpkins in an hour than we did both days out at the Marketplace! So to all our friends and family, a BIG THANK YOU for all your love & support with all of this!
Here are the kids crafts I created...I know....super silly, cheesy. I made "Do It Yourself" Pumpkin Cowboy/Cowgirl Kits, as well as Spider Diva's & Dudes!
I made about 130 vases like this.....
Chilln' with Grammy!
I feel like a pumpkin myself these days!!
Yes, Blaine thought it would be a super fun idea to grow pumpkins this year! Don't get me wrong, he has great ideas and I really don't want to knock it, because ANY other year, and yes, it may have been a little more "fun!" But with a baby arriving in less than 2 months, Blaine taking 4 classes & trying to finish out his last semester of school, plus it being his busy season where he works 6-7 days a week, leaves the house at 5 and doesn't get home before 7 most nights, then throw in the everyday routine of my job 3 days a week (which is actually a break from the other 4 where I'm scrambling to keep up with a two year old, keep us all fed and the house from completley falling apart!), I wouldn't say this was the best year to have a pumpkin patch! On top of that, it ALWAYS costs more than you think, so at this point, if we can even come close to breaking even with our costs of growing and putting the whole thing together, we will be totally overjoyed! You definitely live and learn.....knowing now how much time, effort and stress this has been, selling the pumpkins by the bins wholesale and taking the $1500 loss sounds like such a better option. But my inner-Martha Stewart, stubborn, type A personality thought it would be a better idea to spend a lot more money, time and energy making crafts with every free moment I had to try to make that money back! BAD IDEA!
Oh, Happy Days! Love Grayson's face in this photo! Of course it had to be one of the hottest weekends opening weekend!
I hope I don't sound like a total grump, as all things aside, we have had a little fun with it and it will definitely be a great story and picture book one day. And we have been overwhelmed with the awesome support from our family and friends who made special trips to come out and see us last weekend and are helping in other ways! Seriously, if it wasn't for them, I'm not sure we'd have any sales! Even Blaine's niece and nephew took a wagon of pumpkins around their neighborhood last Sunday night and sold more pumpkins in an hour than we did both days out at the Marketplace! So to all our friends and family, a BIG THANK YOU for all your love & support with all of this!
Here are the kids crafts I created...I know....super silly, cheesy. I made "Do It Yourself" Pumpkin Cowboy/Cowgirl Kits, as well as Spider Diva's & Dudes!
I made about 130 vases like this.....
Well this will be our last weekend out there, so hopefully with the cooler weather forecast, word of mouth and a radio ad I just set up, we'll get a little more activity this time around! After that, we've decided to donate whatever we don't sell and call it pumpkin quits!
Here are a few non-pumpkin related pics (whoo hoo)! Haven't taken many, but we do still sort of have a life outside of pumpkins!Still loves to walk in Mommy's shoes! Should I start to worry?!
First tatoo from McDonalds! So proud!
Off to the park with Papa!
Hope everyone is doing well & I haven't driven you all crazy with my pumpkin talk!
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