Friday, November 26, 2010


Hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day! We definitely ate our fair share and were busy making all the rounds to visit both of our families yesterday. I was hoping that if I stuffed myself enough (which I totally did!), that maybe it would get my contractions going, but I learned the hard way that it only made for a more uncomfortable, bloated and sleepless night! And somehow, after finishing off a bottle of Tums last night, I still have the urge to do it all over again, as we are going over to my parents tonight for leftovers!

I was just catching up on the Burgess Blog and completely feel the same way about 2010....where did it go?! December is next week, Christmas is just around the corner, Grayson has grown into this little talking person overnight, and we are expecting another baby any day now! As excited and eager as I am to meet this little person, it has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for our family this past month. As many of you already know, my mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. We are all very confident and positive that my mom will beat this with flying colors; however, it has definitely been a shock and a wake up call for all of us that you just never know what life has in store for you. So far things are moving along very well and my mom has already had a successful surgery and is very happy with the doctors and nurses at Scripps. Unfortunately though, she is still waiting on results from other tests to determine exactly what other treatment(s) are needed and when she can begin. While my mom is feeling well and staying very positive, I know the waiting game is killing her, as it is for all of us. We all just want to know exactly what is in store for her and when she can put this all behind her and be home for good. We are hoping to get more definitive answers the first part of next week and are looking forward to hearing more good news!

Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers this past month. We realize in times like these how awesome, supportive and heart-warming our friends and family can be. And mom, I just want you to know that you are the best mom and friend that a daughter could ask for and I love you more than anything and can't wait for you to be able to put this all behind you and meet your new grandson or granddaughter ; - ) And who knows, I still have two days before you leave again so I will attempt to stuff my face again tonight or eat some pineapple or something so you can meet him or her before you go........I am open to suggestions people!

Quickly, I really need to start video-taping more because Grayson now can completely say his ABC's and can also sing Twinkle Twinkle. It is the cutest thing and I am really going to try to capture it and upload it on here. When he gets to the "now I know my ABC's part, " he says " no no no my ABC's!" He also is much like his Mama and does not like when I chime in to try to help and will say, "no mommy sing,....I do it."

Below are a few pictures that Wendy took of us a couple weeks ago. She really has a knack for photography! Thanks again Wendy ;-)

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and is enjoying a few days off!


  1. Great Pictures! I'm getting so excited to see the new little Morris, I can't believe it's going to be any day now, It feels like it was just the other day that you told me that you were pregnant...with Grayson :-)

  2. Wow, great pictures! I love the count your blessings one - too cute. And always, love and prayers for all of you!

  3. I am sorry to hear about your mom ~ Chris' mom fought it and she is doing fantastic! I will keep praying for her and keep positive thoughts! On a happy note your pictures are so cute and Grayson is growing up so fast...can't wait to meet little Colbie!
