Sunday, June 1, 2014

School’s Out, Summer’s Here!


We had some six month pictures taken of Jed a couple weekends ago.  Actually, as of tomorrow, he will be seven months old!  I can’t believe how quickly this is going by.  He was just a little over 17 pounds and 26 1/2 inches long at his six month check up.  He is sitting up really well on his own and can sit up on all fours, but not crawling yet.  He is also starting to enjoy foods a little more.  He doesn’t care for most of the veggies, but does like his fruits and rice cereal and loves his mum mum crackers and puffs.  I wish I could report that the sleeping issue was improving, but it is totally not!  This little stinker does not like to sleep for more than 2-3 hour stretches at night and naps only when HE feels it’s necessary.  You’d think the lack of sleep would make him a pretty crabby baby (I know it makes me crabby!), but as long as he has your attention, Jed is such a happy, squealy, smiling boy!

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Enjoying his mum mums at dinner time!


Since he sits up well on his own now, we’ve been giving him his baths in the sink…. so much easier on my back!


For Mother’s Day, we did a special family dedication at our church.  Somehow, I was able to get them to all look and smile for a picture before we left!


Family painting day!  We painted this picnic table together…. got pretty messy!


Cowboy day at school


End of the year pool party at the water park for Yuma Lutheran.


Memorial Day weekend at church.


The Goodwins had us over for a fun BBQ & swim day that same weekend. 


We have a KIDNERGARDNER on our hands!  Grayson’s pre-school ceremony & graduation last week.

His amazing teacher’s, Mrs. Kist and Mrs. Shipp.


Last baseball game for the Rockies and then off to the beach with Grammy & Papa for a WEEK!!  Grayson & Colbie left after the game yesterday.  It was a mix of emotions seeing them go….I really thought I was going to cry like I did last summer, but for some reason I didn’t!  I hate to admit it (I love my kiddos to death!), but I think I was really needing this break!  Going from 3 under the age of six to only have one baby at home, even a sleepless baby, is quite the vacation!!!  Blaine & I don’t really know what to do with ourselves!  The kids were super excited too!  I mean, who doesn’t love the beach?!  It’s been a whirlwind since Jed was born and this was just the break that we ALL needed!  Thank you Grammy & Papa!!!

We will drive to Laguna this Friday for the Mud Run on Saturday and my mom says if we aren’t missing each other too terribly, my parents may even keep them that following week!  I wonder if Grammy and Papa will change their mind about this after the first week ;-)



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