Sunday, June 29, 2014

Busy June!

Summer is off to such a fun and busy start!  I can’t believe this month is just about over.  Colbie had her first dance recital last weekend.  With two shows lasting 3 hours each, we were basically on site from 1:30 to 10:30, with a small dinner break in between.  I thought for sure we’d have at least one meltdown and some tears, but I was pleasantly surprised.  I think I was more exhausted than little miss!  Colbie did such a super job and seriously loved every minute of it. The only time she got a little upset was at 10:15 that night (WAY past her bedtime) when it was time to pack up and go home!

Here are some shots of our little Broadway Bound girl! 


This is what the girls were doing the majority of the day while back stage…snacking & watching Frozen. 


Jed hit huge milestone this month.  He had another follow up in Phoenix a couple weeks ago and got the green light to go FOUR months this time in between check ups!  His doc seemed very pleased with the way everything looked in his echo and was especially happy with his growth and development.  He weighed in at 18 pounds! 

Jed also grew a couple teeth this last month!  Unfortunately, it’s made the poor little guy pretty fussy and irritable at times.  He loves his walker and cruises all over the house in it now.  He likes to stand, but still too lazy to crawl.  I’m sure it will be just a matter of weeks.  We had to lower the crib though since we find him sitting up in his crib now. 

Here’s the almost 8 month old looking chipper for his EKG!  We had a big victory this time  by getting him to take a nap for his echo!  It gets a little trickier each visit as he gets older, getting him to stay still in this position for a half hour or so.  A sleeping angel makes it easier on everyone, baby included!  


Happy Father’s Day Dada!  I had a cuter picture (everyone smiling), but I preferred this one because I like to keep it real!


We’ve been in the pool almost every day this month.  Today was a BIG day for Colbie in the pool!  The floaties came off for good!  It finally clicked and she is swimming on her own now!  So proud of her!


The kids just completed two weeks of swim class last Friday.  Grayson start swimming athletics tomorrow for the next five weeks.  We’re going to miss quite a bit with vacation, but this will be the first summer where he gets to swim in meets and learns different strokes. 

Grayson also had his first piano lesson last week!  His teacher takes the month of July off and then it will start up again in August. so it was basically and intro/kick start lesson.  His teacher seemed super sweet and Grayson really took to the lesson and seems really excited about it.  She already taught him how to read and play twinkle twinkle. 


Friday was “fun day” and Grayson boldly jumped off the high dive for the first time!


Enjoying a popsicle after class.


My crazy kiddos doing who knows what!  They were putting on old costumes and putting on silly “shows” for us the other night. 


Jed and cousin Brodie at Buddies Father’s Day weekend.


Here’s a video of Colbie swimming today.

Two more days at work and then off to the beach for the 4th!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mud Run 2014!


I don’t know if it was the lack of sleep, lack of training, longer course, TONS of obstacles or a combination of all, but the Mud Run was brutal this year!  Definitely the MUDDIEST year too! I’m just now starting to walk normal again!  Didn’t stop Team Goon though!  HOO-RAH!  We charged through the mud and obstacles and had a blast doing it!  The cold beer at the end makes it so worth it!  Already can’t wait till next year, as Grayson will be old enough to compete in the children’s race!


It was so fun seeing the kids this weekend!  As nice as it is having a quiet, clean house for a little while, it feels so empty without them.  Jed misses them terribly too!  They are of course having a blast with Grammy & Papa and will actually be staying one more week.  It was a lot harder than I thought leaving them on Sunday, but I know we will get to see them in just a few days!

Colbie says so many funny things this days… I really need to write more of them down.  It’s not even what she says, but the way she says it that cracks me up.  We were all having dinner out on the patio Saturday night and Colbie was singing one of her originals.  Grayson says, “I think Colbie’s going to be a singer one day,” and little Miss follows up promptly saying… “Broadway bound!”  Her first dance recital is coming up later this month and the dance that her little group is doing is called Broadway Bound, so she’s heard the words before.  Still, her timing and the way she said it with such attitude and conviction was hilarious!

That same night, we gave the kids a little treat… Coke!  They each had a little cup they were sipping.  Colbie says it’s “hot” and sort of makes a face when she sips it, but says she likes it.  She’s always been a bit of a klutz and bumped her head on something.  Instead of crying hysterically (like older brother may have!) she grabs her cup of coke, takes a swig, licks her chops and says “THAT’S better!”  Funny girl!

Here’s some pictures from Baby Beach on Sunday….


This was Jed’s first trip to the beach! He loved it! The sand of course went immediately to his mouth! Yummy!


We managed to get all three in the bath!


Meant to include these with the last post. We had some pictures taken of Jed and the kids and also some of the family with DeeDee recently. 

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Love Grayson & Jed’s expressions in this picture!

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Dee Dee with her great grandkids.

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

School’s Out, Summer’s Here!


We had some six month pictures taken of Jed a couple weekends ago.  Actually, as of tomorrow, he will be seven months old!  I can’t believe how quickly this is going by.  He was just a little over 17 pounds and 26 1/2 inches long at his six month check up.  He is sitting up really well on his own and can sit up on all fours, but not crawling yet.  He is also starting to enjoy foods a little more.  He doesn’t care for most of the veggies, but does like his fruits and rice cereal and loves his mum mum crackers and puffs.  I wish I could report that the sleeping issue was improving, but it is totally not!  This little stinker does not like to sleep for more than 2-3 hour stretches at night and naps only when HE feels it’s necessary.  You’d think the lack of sleep would make him a pretty crabby baby (I know it makes me crabby!), but as long as he has your attention, Jed is such a happy, squealy, smiling boy!

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Enjoying his mum mums at dinner time!


Since he sits up well on his own now, we’ve been giving him his baths in the sink…. so much easier on my back!


For Mother’s Day, we did a special family dedication at our church.  Somehow, I was able to get them to all look and smile for a picture before we left!


Family painting day!  We painted this picnic table together…. got pretty messy!


Cowboy day at school


End of the year pool party at the water park for Yuma Lutheran.


Memorial Day weekend at church.


The Goodwins had us over for a fun BBQ & swim day that same weekend. 


We have a KIDNERGARDNER on our hands!  Grayson’s pre-school ceremony & graduation last week.

His amazing teacher’s, Mrs. Kist and Mrs. Shipp.


Last baseball game for the Rockies and then off to the beach with Grammy & Papa for a WEEK!!  Grayson & Colbie left after the game yesterday.  It was a mix of emotions seeing them go….I really thought I was going to cry like I did last summer, but for some reason I didn’t!  I hate to admit it (I love my kiddos to death!), but I think I was really needing this break!  Going from 3 under the age of six to only have one baby at home, even a sleepless baby, is quite the vacation!!!  Blaine & I don’t really know what to do with ourselves!  The kids were super excited too!  I mean, who doesn’t love the beach?!  It’s been a whirlwind since Jed was born and this was just the break that we ALL needed!  Thank you Grammy & Papa!!!

We will drive to Laguna this Friday for the Mud Run on Saturday and my mom says if we aren’t missing each other too terribly, my parents may even keep them that following week!  I wonder if Grammy and Papa will change their mind about this after the first week ;-)