Thursday, April 25, 2013

Here’s to six years!


We all took a trip to Laguna to celebrate our anniversary and much more this past weekend.  We spent a few great family days together at the beach, the park and a day trip to Newport, as well as a fun date night out for out for our anniversary.  We went for sushi and saw the movie 42, which is a total must see for those of you that haven’t seen it yet!

Strolling down Balboa Park together!


Played some games at the arcade.


Went for a boat tour of the harbor to check out the sea lions and some multi-million dream homes!


Probably one of the most modest of them all, this was Shirley Temple’s childhood home.


Took a little fishing boat out at the park another day.  No bites, but fun learning to drive the boat.  Grayson had us doing several donuts!


Always a good time at the beach.  Grayson was a lot braver in the water compared to last summer.


Got to visit with Uncle Jonny for a day.  He drove in from Colorado to fly out of L.A. the next day on his way to New Zealand.


Best part of the entire trip….getting to witness Papa get baptized in their new church!  Over the past several months, my parents have been attending new church in their area that they have come to really like.  At 64, and never having been baptized, my Dad came to the decision that now was the time.  We couldn’t be happier for him!

Morning before church…


Still playing t-ball and loving it!  Just a couple of recent pictures from his last game.


Monday, April 15, 2013


The Morris Family got to attend a Quinceanera last weekend!  This was my first ever, so I didn’t really know what to expect.  Well, let me tell you…..these people know how to party!  I can’t wait till my next Quinceanera!  The Birthday “princess” was absolutely gorgeous, as was the entire event!  I had so much fun watching our kids tear up the dance floor with moves I’ve never seen before.  Grayson was also totally smitten with a much older little eleven year old girl!  Our kids are usually in bed between 8/ 8:30, but we didn’t even leave the venue till 10:15!  Yes, back in the day, this was usually about the time things just got started, but by today standards, this is a LATE night out!  But well worth it!


The tiny dancers wanted a picture with the “princess!”


Here are the little NiƱo's tearing up the dance floor!

During the family video, Grayson & Colbie made themselves right at home with the Quinceanera party and parked themselves front and center to enjoy the show!


Another big event for all of us was my parents taking the kids to the beach for an entire week!  I’ve never been away from both of them for more than two nights in a row, so this was definitely another first!  Although I cried like a baby when they left, we both became rather comfortable with our “life before kids” lifestyle again!  Other than one night, we decided to eat out every night… just because we could and rarely do with the kids.  We did some must needed spring cleaning, re-arranging and re-decorating in our house. We made our fourth spare bedroom/office into a play room for the kids and I made some new pillows and decorations for the house.  Mostly, we just enjoyed being able to have a clean house for an entire week and being able to finish conversations without being interrupted every 5 seconds! 

I think the fact that the kiddos were having such an awesome time with Grammy & Papa also made it that much easier for us to relax and enjoy our quiet week alone.  Their days were spent either at the beach, the park, going for trail walks, making forts, the Ocean Institute or Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour!  It really doesn’t get much better than that for a two and four year old!

Here are some pictures from their trip…


Two additional random pics…..a park day and a cowgirl on the loose!


Lastly, my heart and prayers go out to all those injured and affected by the horrible tragedy in Boston today.  I will never understand why things like this happen in our world.  All I know is that I feel awful for those suffering right now and am always reminded during times like these of how every day is truly a blessing and not to be taken for granted.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Happy April!

Lots going on since I’ve last posted and as always, LOTS of pictures to share….


We got to hang out with Landon for a play date last month.  It was fun seeing him and watching the three older ones play and have big-kid-conversations!  Grayson is doing a Michael Jackson pose or something in this picture!


Cousin Reagan’s birthday party out at buddy’s.


I swear the kids had at least four Easter egg hunts this year between Buddy’s, school, one with the in-laws at the park, and finally here at our house Easter Sunday.  That Easter bunny really made his rounds!  We decided to skip out on #5 after church on Sunday.  The kids definitely had their fill of eggs and treats!

At Buddy’s Easter the Friday before.  The kids are sitting on the pre-fair demolition derby car! 



Putting out our colorful eggs the evening before.  We left Mr. Bunny some carrots too just to make sure he didn’t hop over our backyard!


Mr. Bunny finished all his carrots and brought several treats for the kids, including pool toys and new swim suits!


Easter morning…


Grammy and Papa kindly skipped out on giving the kids MORE Easter candy and gave them some gardening tools.  Here they are planting their sunflower seeds.


After breakfast and an egg hunt at our house, we went to church with my parents, followed by naps and then Easter dinner at DeeDee’s.

Four generations picture and love this one of Uncle Dale and Grayson. 


We’ve had two t-ball games so far and Grayson is already loving it!  Although he finished up his soccer season on a positive note, he has been way more enthusiastic about baseball from the start.  He loves to play catch after work with Dada (Mama is not skilled enough!) and is becoming quite the little ball player.


We took Grayson and Colbie to the fair last week.  While the the kids enjoyed it, one day was plenty for us!  Their favorite thing to do is still the petting zoo and checking out the animals.


Just like last year, Grayson was eager to try all the rides.  Colbie wanted nothing to do with them, but was all over my Indian fry bread and cotton candy!


Love, love, love this picture!  Becca, the much better photographer, took this!


Apparently he’s into skulls and flames right now!!  I was sort of hoping he’d pick sponge bob or Dumbo or something!


The Ferris wheel was the only ride that we could get Colbie to do.  While she pretty much clung to me the entire time, she was all smiles!


We even stayed for the demolition derby that night and were joined by my parents and Dale.  Blaine’s step brother, Jake and his buddies have been hard at work for the past several months prepping a 64’ Impala for the big event. While they didn’t make it to the end, it was fun to know someone out there and root him on!


It ended up being a pretty entertaining and intense derby (as you can see in the kids eyes!)  One of the cars flipped over, started smoking and seemed entirely to close to where we were sitting!


Finally, a group of us ran in the Color Me Rad race last Saturday here in Yuma.  It was a 5k that raised money for Diabetes.  It was such a fun race and great way to kick start the weekend!


My marathon buddy, Miss Monica and I, showing off our tutus and tattoos!


I also wanted to share these before I forget.  Grayson loves to draw rainbows and landscapes these days and I think it’s so cute and happy.  Here are two of my favorites.  He taped a plastic lady bug onto this one.