Wednesday, September 26, 2012

“Mommy, will you marry me?”

This happened a few weeks ago and I’ve been meaning to write about it before I forget.  I was tucking Grayson into bed and rubbing his back like I always do.  He noticed my ring and said, “What’s that cold thing on your finger?”  I said “That’s Mama’s wedding ring.”  He says, “Will I get a wedding ring one day?”  I said, “Sure, when you meet a special girl and get married, you’ll get a wedding ring too.”  He starts to get sad and says, “But I’m not gonna marry you?”  I said, “no sweetheart, you’ll marry a special girl that you fall in love with one day.”  Now he’s seriously crying and says, “But I wanna marry you!”  This totally made me giggle and broke my heart at the same time!  Apparently I did this with my dad when I was about Grayson’s age too.  My mom says I got really angry at my mom because she told me I couldn’t marry him.  Finally she told me that when I turned 18 and if I STILL want to marry my dad, then I could.  I guess this shut me up and clearly things changed when I turned 18!  Might have to use the same line with Grayson :)

It’s been a busy month.  Time just seems to be flying by these days.  Grayson had his four year check up with Dr. Dan last week.  He had his first official big boy physical, completing a vision and hearing test and even had to pee in a cup!  This totally cracked him up!  Everything checked out A-ok and he weighed in at 37 lbs. and 41 inches tall.

Colbie is still just a little chatter box these days and totally runs the show.  Any time Grayson is trying to talk to me in the car, she starts screaming out her ABC’s or says “stop it you guys, stop it….RIGHT NOW!”  She likes to have the floor!  Just this morning we were driving to the gym and out of the blue, she tells me, “Mommy, need car wash!”  She was right too!  When I pick her up from school, she tells me, “Mommy, I miss you.”  This melts my heart!   Her favorite movie right now is The Wizard of Oz…..”Mommy, it’s Dorothy, Dorothy Mommy, right there!”  Grayson tells me he is tired of the Wizard of Oz, and I don’t blame him.  We’ve easily watched it over twenty times in the last month!  Her favorite book right now is “The Best Nest”……”Mommy, here comes Mr. Parker!”  I think this was Grayson’s favorite book too at about the same age.

Just a few pictures to post.  I haven’t been picture crazy like usual.

From a super cool cowboy to a furry Franklin the goofball!


Lunch with Buddy…


This was taken over a month ago.  Colbie has gotten quite comfortable in the pool using her floaties now.

We had a big storm a few weeks ago and had the most beautiful double rainbow.  The kids had fun dancing in the rain. 


Colbie singing her ABC’s…

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