Friday, August 24, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012 Continued…..

We returned last Sunday from a busy and fun vacation in Laguna.  Blaine is back at work full force, working sun up till sun down and I go back to work on Monday.  It’s been nice having an entire week off at home….although it’s gone by in a flash!  I can’t believe it’s already Friday :(
Not much new to report….just a bunch of pictures from our trip.
Knott’s Berry Farm!  Last time we went, Grayson wasn’t quite 2 and I was pregnant with Colbie!059
The kids had a blast! Colbie was even able to do a ride by herself!
Of course we had to pan for gold! And our collapsible wagon was super convenient for Colbie’s nap time!  She crashed for about 2 hours, completely ignoring the heat and all the chaos and noise!  Daddy had a handful here in this picture!
Grayson wasn’t so sure about this ride!
The McIntier clan joined us for a few days last week and the kids loved having their buddies around to play!  Of course there were a few fights and tears from time to time, but all hugs and smiles mostly!  Molly and Grayson watching Tangled and Colbie giving Maggie hugs….or possibly strangling her!
I’m pretty sure this was Molly’s sticker-on-the-face-idea!  I think Becca has one of Molly too.  And fun in the tub!  I know they will just love this picture when they’re older, but it was too cute!
“Say what?”
Beach time!
We took the kids to Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlor for the first time.  It was a blast!  I had no idea what we were missing!  We loaded up on ice cream sundays, fun entertainment and walked out with about 5 different balloon toys and a bag full of candy!
“Not another picture Mom!”  Before dinner at Sarducci’s…
The boys spent another day at the ball park this summer….this time to watch the Angels!  Grayson came home with every souvenir you could think of….lucky boy!
Little surfer girl!
Group hugs!
Park day!
Last day :( One more trip to baby beach!
…and lunch at one of our favorites…Wind and Sea!
All beached out! About 20 minutes into our trip back home, Blaine and I had a pleasantly peaceful and QUIET drive!
Thank you Mom & Dad & Cloud 9 for putting up with our rowdy bunch!

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