Below is a video of Billy-in-training! Grayson gets a kick out of the piano and loves to pull him self up and bang on the keys while standing on his tippy toes.
Just wanted to post a few new videos and pics as it's been a while. I am not near as dedicated to this blog thing as my friends are, but I do what I can. Not much new here in the Morris household. Grayson is quickly approaching his first birthday and I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by. The last few weeks have been pretty rough for the poor guy, as he has had a terrible flu/cough and battled his first nasty ear infection. Luckily, he is feeling much better and back to his normal, goofy self! I don't know if he is just playing catch up or going through another growth spurt, but he has been eating and sleeping like a champ lately. He is getting closer and closer to walking, but I still think it will be another month or so before he is doing it on his own.
This is a recent video of Grayson using his little cart to walk.
We like to get our hands into every cabinet and drawer possible, including Mommy's bra drawer!
This picture was taken earlier this morning. We had a little playdate/swim party with some of our friends...frome the left...Hudson, Karen, Wendy, Rebecca, Grayson, Me, Molly, Becca, Kate, Annette.
Love the video of Grayson walking. Don't you love how they get that smile like, "hey check me out. Do you see? Do you see what I'm doing! I'm AWESOME!" He's going to be walking in no time! I can't believe his 1st birthday is around the corner. Wow - time flies!