Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pop-a-top Again!

Just wanted to share a couple of Grayson's 9 month pics that we had taken last week at J.C. Penney's.
Also, we caught Grayson drinking a beer last weekend (Michaela's Aunt Laura got him hooked!), so we had to share! I hope you all realize he didn't actually have any beer, but these photos were priceless...I know my brother will appreciate them!
Grayson finally got another upper tooth, so we can't call him snaggle tooth anymore. He's really into sharing food with you now and gets a kick out of it if you eat what he offers you. He's also starting to point to things when you ask him where the doggy. kitty, mama, dada is. Fun stuff! Hope everyone is having a great week. I'll try and share a video later today or this week.

I know these pictures are terrible, but they crack me up! He's definitely a lightweight!

The last one is of Grayson in the pantry...he found some really big green balls to play with!


  1. Those pics are hilarious...he looks like we did in college!


  2. I don't know...he looks like he may have been the one to finish that beer :-) I'll have to come over and pick up a green ball or two. Jonny's Dad is desperate and Jonny's not really doing much with "green balls" right now.

  3. P.S. I love Grayson's supermodel pose on the white wicker chair. I can just hear the photographer "okay now look back like a naughty boy, now growl like a wait purr like a kitten."

  4. the droopy eyes from all that beer!! too funny. :-) cute pics. he's looking so grown up.
