Friday, April 11, 2014

Great check up!

Our first trip as a family of five was a success!  Wish I could say it was a relaxing trip :/  I don’t think I’ll be using that word in the same sentence as vacation for sometime….. hmm 18 years or so?!  Aside from the fact that Jed decided that he no longer enjoys his car seat and screams till we ALL start turning blue, it was a fun trip!  We started out at the D-backs game, had a great time at the zoo and enjoyed some pool time at the resort.  I also got a chance to meet up with my Europe buddy, Jessica and her family for pizza and finally meet her new little guy.  We all got a kick out of the fact that they placed us in the private sound proof room in the back when we didn’t ask for it!  I guess that’s what happens when you walk into a restaurant with five little terrors! 

The best part of the trip had to be the great news that we received from Jed’s cardiologist.  His condition has improved since his last procedure, which now puts that valve in only a mild-moderate category of stenosis.  This is something that he seems to think that Jed can live with for “a long long while!”  Follow up echos have also been spread out to every couple of months too, so we won’t have to return till mid June!  Yeah Jedi! 


This is how Jed & I rolled the majority of the trip….thanks to Becca for letting me use her awesome carrier.  This is the kids standing outside of Baxter’s house!


The kids got to hit a few balls pitched by the players themselves!


GG’s favorite part of the zoo was getting to pet the sting rays!


Worst enemies and sometimes the best of friends :)


Bright blues…like brother like sister!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March Madness

March was the month of birthday parties, a baptism, play dates and more!  I cannot believe we are already into April now.  We leave tomorrow for Phoenix for Jed’s follow up appointment.  We’ve decided to take the kids along this time and make it into a mini vacation.  We’re headed to a D-backs game, the zoo and hopefully will just relax some by the pool at the hotel.  This will be our first trip as a family of five!  We should get a good gage as to how many more years our car will give us before we have to upsize,  I’m hoping that won’t be necessary anytime soon.

Here our our little leprechauns!  For Saint Patty’s Day, we had our traditional corned beef and cabbage along with some green beer and green milk for the kids…. Yummy!



Jed doing some 3-D reading and G showing off his crowned jewels after a princess party!


We had a play date with some of Grayson's buddies after school one day.  I was amazed at how many children and car seats my car holds.  It may very well last us another few years!  Here they are being boys…. catching lizards and playing with some silly string.


Chillin’ on a Border Patrol vehicle at the Yuma Lutheran BBQ and Dada giving Colbie a pedi!


Our new nephew, Brodie was baptized two Sunday’s ago.  We were honored and tickled to be asked to be one of his sponsors.


My handsome boy!


While having a snack, Colbie decided she needed to feed her baby ;)


Sister love!


5 MONTHS OLD TODAY!  This little bundle FINALLY gave me a better night’s rest after a pretty rough month.  I’m going to hold onto the hope the this may be a sign things will turn around.  Other than resisting sleep, Jed is a pretty happy baby and loves to chat with you.  He really is a little flirt with the ladies!  He coo’s, squeals, laughs and his new favorite is blowing bubbles and saying “boo!”  He’s not rolling over as much anymore, but enjoys his tummy time and is starting to scoot some when on his belly. 


We took another day trip to the desert last Sunday with the Palmers, Goodwins and McIntier gang.  This may have been our last for the year before it starts warming up.  The weather was perfect and it was a fun day for all!