Thursday, November 29, 2012


The month of November has been crazy and stressful and all too familiar.  We’ve somehow managed to do an almost exact repeat of last November, with Colbie being sick pretty much since September and getting herself in the hospital again right after Thanksgiving.  After finding out everything was ok, we were also faced with the same dilemma as last year…. whether or not to go through with her Birthday party.  Even though she was only released on Saturday and the birthday party was Sunday, we decided it was easier to go through with it than to cancel.  By that point, we knew there was nothing major to worry about with her health and we had already purchased everything and plus, we have so much going on the next couple of weeks.  Although it turned out to be a great party and Colbie did just fine, I’ve already decided -  no birthday party next year! Sorry Colbie!  We will absolutely celebrate…... just in a different, more low-key way.

So after a week of keeping this little sickling home, she is finally returning to her normal, goofy, healthier self!  JUST LIKE LAST YEAR, she had been running a fever for a week straight, which we were only able to keep down by giving her Tylenol and ibuprofen around the clock.  And this is after being to our doctor’s office twice in the past month and being put on a steroid and an antibiotic.  With her symptoms continuing to worsen and after being advised by a nurse to have her seen, I took her to the pediatric urgent care the Friday after Thanksgiving.  By the time she was finally seen, she was two hours over due on her Tylenol, burning up and looking pretty dehydrated and pathetic.  Apparently the doctor didn’t want to chance it and sent us directly on over to the children’s hospital, where we were immediately admitted and got to spend the next 24 hours!  After being poked and prodded and hooked up to an IV, they finally ruled out any infection or serious concern and just determined ONCE AGAIN, that it was just a virus that needed to run it’s course. 

As a mother, when a doctor tells you your child looks very sick and you need to admit her to the hospital for a full work up, you just do it.  But looking back, I just wish we would have been assessed a little more thoroughly at the “pediatric” urgent care to prevent such an exhausting and not to mention, costly, 24 hours for all of us. 

I guess we are just learning the hard way that Colbie not only picks up every little germ and bug at our “cesspool” school (as Dr. Crawford calls it!), but she also seems to have a hard time getting over any illness.  Knowing this, if we could just reduce our hectic lifestyle by about tenfold and somehow keep Colbie in a sterile bubble, we will be sick no more!

So lets get to the pictures….

My cousin Reed hosted Thanksgiving this year at his new house. 

Grayson & Dada by Uncle Reed’s horses.


My Uncle Jonny and cousin Lyle and Brianna made it down from CO for the festivities.


The very next night, we end up here :( 

photo (2)

The day after getting released from the hospital, our little birthday girl is all smiles and blowing out her two candles!



Miss Colbie’s Birthday Invite.


Colbie wanted a “princess party” so that’s what we had…..Yuma style…..with a piñata that is!


Her very own trike!  And as if cake and candy weren’t enough, headed for ice cream with Buddy!


I took these pictures today.  At first this was a fun idea, but as you can see, we do NOT want to share the toy anymore!


These are from the beginning of the month at Buddy’s Birthday party. 


Little roper! He was having a ball tackling this poor baby goat!


Always a fun time at Buddy’s house….Grayson can master his roping skills and Colbie loves to feed the chickens!


In the midst of all that November brought, we’ve somehow found time to get most of our Christmas up, Elf on the Shelf is out & in full swing, and I am trying to get a handle on the shopping.  I have to admit, I am totally overwhelmed right now!  Not to mention, I have been training for my second marathon for the past few months (yes, I think I said I would never do another one again and I am remembering why now!).  It is only a week away and up until a few weeks ago, I was actually feeling pretty good and had miraculously managed not to get sick.  Well, that is old news, as I am on my second week of fighting some crud from the “cesspool” and since I’ve started tapering my runs, my back has decided to go out for the last four days?!  I sort of feel like I’m falling apart!  I am going to be relying on a lot of prayers and ibuprofen to get me through this!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Wild Cats, Box Cars and Boo Boos!


Bear Down Arizona!  My little Wildcats showing off their school spirit for Halloween!


Little Diva! Looking pretty and drooling!


Future quarterback couldn’t wait to put the “black lines” under his eyes!


The Gang!  Wildcats and Poodle Chicks!  Molly and Grayson were quite the trick-or-treaters this year, going up to the doors by themselves and saying the cue words “trick-or-treat” and “thank you” at least 1/2 the time!  Colbie even joined in on the fun, but usually tried to weasel in a few more treats than she was given and somehow convinced Grammy & I to open just about every candy she handed to us!


Grayson’s class had a little Halloween party Wednesday, so although we didn’t have school that day, we went for an hour to join in on the fun.  This is one of Grayson’s best buddies at school…. Brady the surgeon!


Last weekend, we had a birthday party to attend for the daughter of a friend of mine. 

The Birthday girl Quinn and Colbie!


Grayson fell in love with this little blondie at the party and gave her rides all over the property.  Suddenly, sister was not cool and not aloud to ride in the car anymore……only his new found love!  Colbie was not a happy camper :(


I was so impressed with my little artist last week!  Grayson made this for his Mama last week all by himself!  Sister being sassy and getting ready to do some grocery shopping!


On to box cars and boo boos! 

Daddy and Grayson have been hard at work the past couple of weekends trying to design and build a box car from scratch.  Of course with Blaine, having a plan or finding and reading instructions are totally overrated!  He basically just thinks it and builds it somehow.  This is what they’ve come up with so far.



And this is what happens when we don’t have seats or seat belts yet!  Just in time for family pictures!  Poor baby :(