Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Now if that doesn't look like a proud face, I don't know what does!

So I think it's safe to let the cat out of the bag and officially let everyone know that Grayson is going to become a big brother this December! We've known for quite some time now, but wanted to wait a little while before sharing the news with everyone......although I am sure most of the people reading this blog already know anyhow! I am almost 4 months along and feeling pretty good now. I think the worst of the nausia and fatigue is behind me now. We have decided to keep the sex of the baby a surprise like we did with Grayson and are not going to find out. We are so excited to give Grayson a baby brother or sister and can't wait for December to get here! With so much planned this summer; however, I know it is going to go by so fast.

We have been super busy here in the Morris household. We have taken a couple trips over to southern California for Memorial Day weekend to take Grayson to the beach and also his first trip to the Zoo (which he so enjoyed!), and the weekend after that to watch Papa complete his first Marathon at 61! He did awesome! Finished in a little over 5 hours with an almost-broken nose (that's another story!!), and looked amazing at the finish, walking 2 miles back to the hotel with us afterwards! I am so proud of you Dad!

A few pics from Memorial Day weekend in Laguna....

They have polar bears at the San Diego Zoo now & this was by far our favorite part! Grayson really enjoyed watching the "BIG bear" dance in the water!

A few pics from the marathon weekend in San Diego....

Last two weekends we stayed in and have been doing several projects around the house. With another baby on the way, we have been working on making the den into a "big boy" room for Grayson, the guest room into a den/guest room and have decided to leave the nursery as is, since everything is in good shape and can work for a little boy or a little girl. My parents have been a huge help with the mom with her sewing and decorating ideas and my Dad is the ultimate MacGyver/handy man! We bought Grayson a toddler bed and are doing a sports theme. It has turned out so cute! His new room has a walk-in closet, (which I still need to clean out) but we thought it would be fun to make that a little play house/closet since it is quite roomy. He already gets a kick out of taking you in his "payhouse," then closing the door and giggling. The other day he took my Dad in the play house and Papa came out wearing the magic mullet and some silly hat! Who knows what else I have stashed in that closet!
Here's a picture of Grayson's new room so far, which used to be our den. We still have a few things to hang on the wall. I just painted big block letters today to spell out his name. You get the idea though.

Grayson has quite the social schedule this summer! Just started swimming lessons this week. Unfortunately it's at 10am, so I can only take him on my days off, but thanks to Grammy, he gets to go the other days as well. He is absolutely loving it so far and is a total fish in the water! I've also signed him up for the Harkins kids summer movie program, which shows older movies every Thursday am. I took him to his first movie last Thursday with Becca & Molly. We saw Ice Age. To my surprise, he did awesome and was so into it. He lasted for over an hour, which was way longer than I had expected! We also got into this reading program for kids under 2 called Baby Time at the library, which is also on Thursdays, so we may have to alternate movies and reading every other Thursday. For not even being two, I can only imagine how hectic life is going to get once he's old enough to start playing sports, join summer camps and other fun activities. Throw another little Morris maniac in the picture and my head starts to spin just thinking about it!
Well, that's all for now.....and I am sure I still forgot several things. Most importantly, Grayson is going to be the BEST big brother ever and we couldn't be more excited!

......And he will always be our Numero Uno!!