Thursday, February 4, 2010

Over the hill in only a week!

So I can't believe it's already February! Not only am I totally lagging in the blog department (no surprise!), but I am turning 30 in only a week! Boo Hoo! Grayson is definitely making me feel my age these days, as he is full of energy, very set in his ways (that's a nice way of saying he is completely STUBBORN!), and throwing temper tantrums like its going out of style! I laughed & sympathized when I read Michaela & Dustin's blog, with Landon & his "terrible twos" because we too are there and have been for a couple months now! No one can prepare you for the ups and downs of parenthood, but I wish I had a little more warning & experience in this stage of development! I had no idea it would start this early! There are definitely times when I would give anything for those sleepless nights with him as a newborn. Whether he is pounding his head on the floor or on a wall or dramatically flopping himself to the floor to scream and roll, I can't decide whether to laugh out loud or pull my hair out! Usually we find that walking out of the room or just ignoring his exhausting performance gets him to stop.....apparently he likes an audience! My mom likes to rub in the fact that I was the queen of temper tantrums at this age and apparently had a neighbor who referred one of my episodes to sounding like an "exorcism" in the backyard! I like to think that Grayson must have gotten at least a little of his stubbornness from his daddy! Needless to say, we are coping with this new stage the best we can and learning to laugh a little along the way!

Aside from throwing fits, Grayson is expanding his vocabulary and having lots of conversations with himself or whomever (most of which you cannot understand), but he definitely knows what he is talking about! One of his favorite words at this time is "Elmo!" He still loves his bubble baths at night and for the past month or so, he has really taken up streaking! Yes, streaking! Future star in Old School II! For whatever reason, as soon as we take his diaper off, but before we have time to pick him up and set him in the bath, this boy makes a mad naked dash down the hall and into all the rooms, laughing and giggling like crazy. He thinks it's hilarious! And it is, except for when he pees on the carpet! Below is a picture from one of his evening streaks. Lucky for him, he was off before we had time to get his diaper off in this one.

We rang in the new year by taking Grayson to Aso Sushi & Steak for dinner. He did really well at dinner (this has not been the case the last 3 times we took him out to eat!) and he really enjoyed watching the chef cook in front of us.

On New Year's day we took Grayson to this place called Jump Up, which only costs $5 and has tons of fun mats & trampolines for you to play on. Grayson had a ball!

Grayson with is cousins, Colin, Lauren & Reagan.

This is at the Fun Factory in Yuma, which has miniature golf, go carts & bumper boats.

Watching some football with his uncle RaRa!

Grayson with Great GranDeeDee & Great Grandma Morris.

Last weekend, we were crazy enough to hike telegraph pass with Grayson. The baby bjorn's weight limit is 25 lbs. and Grayson isn't quite 24, so we thought we'd be fine. The bjorn did it's job, but that was the hardest 5 miles we've ever hiked. The last mile is straight up hill. Our legs definitely got a good workout and Grayson was a great sport. I guess I would be a great sport too if someone was carrying me the whole time!

This was taken today with Miss Molly Mac!

Sharing his milk with his buddy Elmo!

Tomorrow's Friday! Hope everyone has a great weekend!