Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I can atleast share some pictures!

I am definitely not as dedicated to our blog as I'd like to be, but I can atleast share some pictures every couple months! Not much new in Grayson's world....just getting bigger and looking more like a little toddler by the moment. We are actually taking him in to get his first haircut on Saturday, as he is getting quite the mullet! Michaela reminded me yesterday that he will look even more like a little boy after his first haircut! He has learned how to walk (I will attempt to attach another video), but I wouldn't say that he is "walking," as he is much more inclined to drop to all fours when he wants to get somewhere. I am sure that will change soon! He has also become quite the dancer these last few weeks. When he hears a song on the radio or tv that he likes, he does this little bounce/march with his feet and a this funny gangster arm bounce! It's pretty cute! His vocabulary consists of mama, dada, byebye, nigh nigh, bubble, quack quack, ball and ga-ger (which is his name for Gunner, Chasers, Skyler and probably any furry four legged animal!

The one and only Davy Crockett!

Going in for the tail! Watch out "Ga-ger!"

Grayson saying "Nigh Nigh!"

Below is Blaine's one year baby picture and a pic of the cake I had made for his 30th Birthday party. Pretty crazy how almost identical they are!