The First Annual McBurgorris Family Vacation was a hit! It was an awesome trip and I look forward to many more down the road. This is a picture of The McBurgorris' in order! Being that there were 3 babies under the age of 16 months, it was a lot easier than I had anticipated. Landon, Grayson and Molly were all very easy going, had similar routines and shared the same bedtimes. Landon and Grayson played really well together and were equally fascinated with Miss Molly Mac. It will be even more fun when she's a little older and can boss those boys around! We had fantastic weather the entire enough to wear sweatshirts in the evenings and warm enough to take a dip in the ocean during the day. We had a perfect beach day, a trip to the lake for some fishing, great home cooked meals, and back-to-back evenings of very serious, very competitive Yahtzee.... only the brilliant realize the importance of getting your boni! Dustin and Jonny got their Billy Ray Cyrus/Joe Dirt on with the Magic Mullet by earning the biggest loser title of the night! Oh, and we can't forget Becca's World Famous Fantabulous Fart Cake! Thanks Missy! Here are some of my favorite pics from the trip.
This is a picture of Blaine's BIG catch this trip! You may have to zoom in a little to get the full picture....really was a beautiful fish! Proud moment!
Grayson is showing Daddy how it's done!
On our way home after drinks and appetizers at Wind and Sea Restaurant.
Love this goofy smile!
Grayson on spaghetti overload!
Beach Buddies!